HR Programs

Where can I find information on the CPG Perfect Attendance Program?
Information describing the CPG Perfect Attendance Program is attached below.
Wed, 7 Sep, 2016 at 4:10 PM
Where can I find information on the CPG Employee Referral Program?
Information on this program can be found in the enclosed attachment. 
Wed, 7 Sep, 2016 at 4:11 PM
What does CPG reimburse for PPE?
CPG has a program where certain types of PPE is reimbursed.  If safety shoes such as steel-toed shoes or non-metallic safety shoes are required, C...
Mon, 1 May, 2017 at 7:32 AM
Where can I learn more about Bereavement Leave details?
In the event of a family member's death CPG shall provide paid Bereavement leave under the following scenarios: Immediate Family-- 3 days paid l...
Tue, 14 Nov, 2017 at 10:59 AM